Everyone has always been told that from Daniel 1:1 to 2:4 was written in Hebrew, but then changed to Aramaic until 8:1.
But what they are not explaining is that actually all of Daniel uses the “square script” which is called Ashur/Ashuri script, which is Aramaic. All of it. Two languages in Daniel is a lie.
1:1 to 2:4 and after 8:1 is an older Hebrew dialect of Aramaic, but it’s still Aramaic, not true Hebrew.
We don’t have any ancient fragments of Daniel in true Hebrew, paleo-Hebrew. None.
But we do have the Greek Codex Vaticanus from 325 AD and the Greek Papyrus 967 (175 AD -250 AD) which are more reliable than the Theodotion version from 150-100 AD because the Theodotion version was based on the Aramaic.
Remember that Greek descended from Paleo-Hebrew, therefore the Greek would be a better, more accurate rendering without having to trust any demonic Assyrian origins.
I copied the statements below from Perplexity.ai
Based on the information provided in the search results and our previous discussion, we can conclude the following about the script used for the book of Daniel:
The entire book of Daniel, including chapter 1, was written in the square Aramaic script, also known as Ktav Ashuri or the Jewish script.
While the book of Daniel is written in two different languages (Hebrew and Aramaic), both portions use the same square script:
Chapter 1 and chapters 8-12 are in Hebrew
Chapters 2-7 are in Aramaic
By the time the book of Daniel was composed (likely between the 6th and 2nd centuries BCE), the square Aramaic script had become the standard for writing Hebrew texts, replacing the older Paleo-Hebrew script.
The earliest known manuscripts of Daniel, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and dating to the 2nd century BCE, use the square Aramaic script for both the Hebrew and Aramaic portions of the text.
Therefore, it is correct to say that all of Daniel, including chapter 1, was written in the square Aramaic script, regardless of the language used (Hebrew or Aramaic).
[1] https://versebyverseministry.org/lessons/daniel-lesson-1
[2] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+1-3&version=NIV
[3] https://bibleproject.com/guides/book-of-daniel/
Notice that Perplexity, just like all bible commentaries, preachers, books, videos and websites continues to claim that Daniel was written in 2 languages, but yet was forced to admit (after I debated with the artificial intelligence website) that all of Daniel was written in Ashuri square script and that there’s absolutely no fragments/manuscripts of Daniel in Paleo-Hebrew.
The only logical, realistic conclusion is that Daniel would had written all of the scroll of Daniel in the oldest dialect (style of writing) of “Hebrew Aramaic” which is not Hebrew, but rather their dialect/writing style of Aramaic.
Then many years later, a scribe would have translated all of Daniel into a newer style of Aramaic.
Then many years later, another scribe would have access only to parts of Daniel in the older dialect and a large section in the newer dialect. That scribe would copy whatever portions that he had, all together, combining both the older and newer sections together to get a complete copy of Daniel.
Later scribes would copy his combination.
Daniel definitely would not have changed dialects/styles mid-writing. It took years for the Hebrew’s standard dialect/style of Aramaic to change.
And it doesn’t make sense that as of 8:1 that he would return to the older dialect/style after using the newer style for 2:4b up until 8:1. It just doesn’t make sense that he would do that, nor that he would use 2 languages back and forth in that manner.
Except only that he would had used the Paleo-Hebrew name of Jesus because he would know that it’s not acceptable to translate nor corrupt the most holy name. (Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls of Psalms preserves the Paleo-Hebrew script for Jesus name despite the surrounding writing of Aramaic.)
Daniel’s Fast:
Everyone was always told that Daniel ate “vegetables” for 10 days. The old English word in translations was “pulse”. When we looked up the definition for pulse, we were always told that it was vegetables. That was always the standard mainstream teaching. Nothing contradicted it.
But now, when you look up that definition anywhere, it now says “seeds of legumes” which is beans. And Greek interlinears confirm that the Greek word would refer to beans. It never did that before!
Daniel ate beans for 10 days! No one teaches that.
These end time revelations are the result of the end time seals being opened and knowledge and understanding being increased for the true people of JESUS, while the world goes insane.
Both versions below are correct in the realm of reality:
Daniel 12:4
Theodotion version and Vaticanus version:
AS FOR YOU, DANIEL, CLOSE UP THESE WORDS AND SEAL THE SCROLL UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END, UNTIL MANY ARE TAUGHT (The Masoretic text says "Many will go back and forth", as in reference to transportation.) AND KNOWLEDGE IS INCREASED.”
Old Greek version: