I sent this to the main ministry newsletter first. But now I must send also to the readers that subscribe to the AOB bible newsletter also, because of the extreme importance. Please forgive me if you receive both newsletters, but this news is so very important that I must be sure to tell everyone possible.
All glory to our heavenly Father in JESUS name.
For years, I Saw The Light Ministries has relayed the prophetic messages of scripture and of The Holy Ghost of JESUS, declaring that Bashar Assad will suffer from a military attack against him and against his capital city of Damascus.
We said that we should watch for such events as we get closer and closer to Purim/March of any year, but especially 2025.
In recent months, we again declared to watch for an extremely strong possibility that this March/Purim 2025 would finally be the fulfillment of the “Strong Delusion” of 2 Thes. 2, therefore to keep an eye on Assad and Syria in the final months before March 2025.
Now the entire world has been caught by the shocking and sudden surprise at seeing what we have been watching for, the collapse of the Assad regime. Today, Damascus and the Assad regime is being attacked by Turkish backed military forces. We had said that the attack against Assad would involve Turkey and/or NATO forces. Turkey is a member of NATO. This is now occurring.
We expect the possibility of Israel and the USA becoming much more greatly involved in this at some point of time between right now and March 14, 2025.
While the world is proclaiming “peace, security, safety” for the entire middle east and the entire world because of Trump and because of the defeat of Hezbollah, Hamas and Assad, the true worshippers of JESUS know that sudden destruction is coming upon the world very soon now. 1 Thes. 5:3
I expect additional chaos to be thrown into the mix soon now, between now and March 14, 2025. Possibilities include: Biden declaring martial law, Biden going nuclear in the Ukraine/Russia, Chinese invasion of Taiwan, disease/plague epidemic released on purpose.
The True Identity of the 2nd Horn of the False Prophet Finally Revealed
The symbolic antichrist beast power monster in Rev. 13:1 has 10 horns, also represented by the 10 toes of the statue in Daniel 2. Everyone agrees that this is referring to 10 end time leaders, led by the one little horn (in Daniel), the Son of Perdition ("the antichrist"). So 10 horns refers to 10 people/beings. And 1 horn also found in Daniel refers to 1 person, the antichrist NWO main leader.
So when in Rev. 13:11, the second beast (the office of the False Prophet) has two horns, it must be 2 people/beings, even though you have never heard that before this ministry started teaching it years ago. 10 = 10 everyone agrees. 1 = 1 everyone agrees. But when it comes to 2 horns, I Saw The Light Ministries is the only worldwide, international ministry that has enough common sense (Logos/Logic = Wisdom = Christ = Holy Ghost) to know that 2 horns = 2 beings.
The Son of Perdition (Antichrist) beast is one person (Assad) but the second beast is two people, even as the first beast in Rev. 13:1 is 10 people led by one Son of Perdition.
The two people/horns of the second beast (the office of the False Prophet) are Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew. These 2 are the leaders of the Western and Eastern Catholic/Orthodox Churches.
Both of them have already repeatedly declared their goal of uniting the eastern (Orthodox) and western Catholic churches and to also unite all religions including Islam. 2025 will be the 1700 year anniversary of the division of the western and eastern Roman Empire, the 2 legs of the statue in Daniel 2.
The 2 horns, the 2 Popes, of the western and eastern Catholic churches will use this 1700 year anniversary as the chosen date of uniting all of the world’s churches, the synagogue of Satan. It’s another confirmation of the year 2025.
The timing of JESUS opening up our understanding to the identity of the 2nd horn of the false prophet, Bartholomew, is very significant, as we are so very close now to Purim 2025 and the Strong Delusion of 2 Thes. 2, Assad appearing in Heaven, manifesting himself as if he’s God.
Revelation 12 and Revelation 13 will be fulfilled as well as 2 Thes. 2 and Daniel 12 and Matthew 24.
As we are now eye-witnessing the impending deadly head wound upon Assad/Damascus, we have no choice, we are forced to now boldly declare that March 2025 is definitely the timing of Assad proclaiming himself as god, followed exactly 30 days after Purim, with the start of the Great Tribulation (only 3.5 years, not 7 years) and the invasion of Israel/USA/UK by Assad, Iran, Russia and China.
Your life is about to dramatically change. The entire world is about to change.
Prepare now!
You won’t be able to go to the store for food and supplies after April 2025 unless you agree to worship Assad as God above all gods. Even then, there may not be any stores open in your region.
It’s time now to repent of traditional Catholic doctrines such as: a trinity, Christmas, Easter, Sunday worship, the letter Y names and of “KJV only doctrine”. It’s all Assyrian. All of it. It all worships Assad. And so does the “pre-tribulation rapture” doctrine. It all worships the antichrist.
If that’s what you want to continue to worship, then Assad is your king. The Son of Satan.
But for the true worshippers of JESUS, we will keep the 10 Commandments, the 7th Day Sabbath on Saturday and the biblical holy days from sunrise to sunrise, NOT sunset as the worshippers of Assad do.
The true GOD of Israel is about to manifest the difference between false religion and its fruit, and this TRUE Church of The Alpha & Omega JESUS Almighty.
The article about the False Prophet has been revised to show this new revelation of Bartholomew I being the 2nd horn of the office of the False Prophet.
In Jesus name,
Apostle Tim Zimmerman
I Saw The Light Ministries